Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  Cocoon Nebula  ·  IC 5146
IC5146 Cocoon, Gerald
IC5146 Cocoon
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IC5146 Cocoon, Gerald
IC5146 Cocoon
Powered byPixInsight



Acquisition details



Some processing details

THELI: after data reduction, weighting, outlier rejecection and stacking the Ha and R channel were combined to a new HaR channel according to their bandwidths, whereas the Ha channel was boosted 1.8x. The three resulting HaR, G and B channels were B-V color calibrated and an enhanced noise weighted luminance channel (elum_chisquare) was built from Ha+R+G+B.

Image "A"

Fitswork: The HaR and B channel were multiplied with the factors given from the earlier B-V calibration (G is always 1 and needs not to be touched). Then the RGB combination from HaR, G and B was done. A gentle NLP noise reduction filter was applied to the resulting color image. The elum_chisquare was afterwards used to generate the L+RGB. Finally the object was streched and cropped.

Image "B"

PixInsight: All channels have been histogram transformed, lrgb combined, background neutralized and color calibrated. To smooth the weak regions an ACNR process was applied and finally a HDRMedianTransform was done. Last step was again streching and cropping.

UPDATE 2012/09/11

Added 1 hour each to the green and blue channel



  • IC5146 Cocoon, Gerald
  • IC5146 Cocoon, Gerald
  • Final
    IC5146 Cocoon, Gerald

Sky plot

Sky plot


IC5146 Cocoon, Gerald