Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  IC 1795  ·  IC 1805  ·  IC 1831  ·  IC 1848  ·  IC 1871  ·  NGC 1027  ·  NGC 896
Soul and Heart Nebulae, Mark Bailey
Soul and Heart Nebulae
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Soul and Heart Nebulae

Soul and Heart Nebulae, Mark Bailey
Soul and Heart Nebulae
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Soul and Heart Nebulae



Acquisition details



This was my first attempt at a mosaic. More difficult than I imagined. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to correlate images I downloaded onsite to my laptop with what I was seeing through the finder scope. Then to try and imagine exactly how the camera orientation related to the finder scope view and how big the camera image area would appear in the view. I was shooting in the dark, pun intended. It was really dark.

I shot four different squares for the mosaic with 12 five minute subs for each square. I tried to combine all of these in a mosaic with DeepSkyStacker but it was too much data and it gave a memory full error. Later as I tried to process each square separately I got a strange and beautiful artifact added by DSS. Tonk from Cloudy Nights suggested, "This is usually caused by an inappropriate star detection threshold picking up both genuine stars and un-removed hot pixels, As stars and hot pixels are not correlated after alignment DSS tries to apply a warping transform to line things up." I never did find the exact source but eventually managed to get a successful stack from DSS for each square which I then stitched together in Photoshop and processed the combined image which is what is uploaded here.

12 calibration frames used each of dark, flats and bias for each of the 4 squares. ISO 1600


Sky plot

Sky plot


Soul and Heart Nebulae, Mark Bailey