GRS/ Walter/Brazil Great Red Spot (GRS) movie project · Walter Martins · ... · 6 · 116 · 1

Walter_Martins_Brasil 0.00
15 abrilHello Friend
I have images obtained with telescopes of 254mm and 305mm between 2016 and 2017 previously are images made with 203mm, so I will send you the images made with the GSO 305mm, all my photos are platenetary positive projection, I am the pioneer in this form of Capture Here in Brazil, my friends prefer to do negative projection, I send my photos to the project
Grateful for the invitation
Edited ...
macnenia 5.29
Hi Walter, thanks for this. Your Jupiter photos are superb and your scope size and set up are consistent with the resolution necessary for such a project. Please pardon my ignorance, but what is positive versus negative projection?
So my idea is to try to image Jupiter over 2 to 3 weeks continuously, trying to get a good image with the GRS central to the planet, on every rotation, which as you know is every 10 hours. This is basically what they did with Voyager 1. There is no way as an individual imager I could do this. Firstly I could only image every 2nd GRS rotation, on my side of the globe and then there are the vagaries of the weather i.e. clouds and of course seeing. However, if we have say 20 imagers capable of producing high quality images on both sides of the Earth and in multiple countries, then hopefully someone will have clear skies and good seeing to get a decent shot. In Brazil, you are amongst quite a number of competent and well equipped imagers. I am in Australia so that is good in terms of covering off both sides of the globe, but it would be good to have some others from my side of the world. It would also be good to engage people from the US, Europe and Asia. With 20 - 40 images over 2 - 3 weeks, we could hopefully adjust for colour and possibly even sharpness to an extent, and then integrate these to produce a movie.....hopefully showing the active motion of the planet's atmosphere. As I said before, I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew with this, but it would be great to collaborate to produce this.
Walter_Martins_Brasil 0.00
Hello Friend
Positive projection is camera behind the Eyepieces
Negative projection is camera behind Barlow
Count on me for this spectacular project, my friends here in Brazil are already on your forum to help
I will produce more images this week and post
Gracias amigo
macnenia 5.29
Thanks Walter. Yes I am a negative projection proponent. I tried positive projection early on, but the results weren't as good. I'd be interested to know your secrets. I have Tele Vue Nagler oculars, but they don't fit my eye piece projection tube.
Walter_Martins_Brasil 0.00
macnenia 5.29
Superb Walter.   8)
Walter_Martins_Brasil 0.00
Niall MacNeill:
Superb Walter.   8)

Good morning mateWe are a week with clouds, but from Sunday, apparently the sky has begun to clean and I will produce more photos for the great GRS project

Grateful for the opportunity
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