Summary of the idea for this project & request for other contacts Great Red Spot (GRS) movie project · Niall MacNeill · ... · 5 · 91 · 0

macnenia 5.29
So just to reiterate, my idea is to try to image Jupiter over 2 to 3 weeks continuously, attempting to get a good image with the GRS central to the planet, on every rotation, which as you know is every 10 hours. This is basically what they did with Voyager 1. There is no way as an individual imager this could be done. To have any hope of getting a good image on every rotation of the GRS it will be necessary to have at least 20 imagers across the globe, with representation in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres as well as East and West.  Brazil is well represented and so far myself from Australia, but it would be good to have some others from my side of the world. It would also be good to engage people from the US, Europe and Asia.

So far I have engaged with you Almir & Walter as well as  Alan Coffelt, Caralumba93, Newton, Avani Soares, Fábio and Yock1960.

Do you know of other imagers who I should contact with regards to joining this group?


Phill Miles, Anthony Wesley from Australia.
Christopher go, from Phillipines (little busy)
Fernando Silva Correa, from Chile.
newtonCs 0.00
BARON. Italy
Ethan 0.90
I tried this once before on Cloudy Nights and it didn't get very far. I would LOVE to see this succeed, so you can count us in!

macnenia 5.29
Thanks Ethan, yes I am beginning to understand what a logistics challenge this is going to be. Nevertheless, the Swedes did it with 7 imagers. Quite a feat. I understand they had access to animation software to morph across any gaps in the footage which would be useful and I have a contact in the film industry who may be able to help in that regard. I did some calculations that indicated to have a high probability of getting an image on every GRS rotation would require 70+ imagers and I was very optimistic on the % of nights when the seeing is good enough. However, recruiting that many is probably not going to be logistically feasible.

My thinking is to try and get to something like 30 and to target the 2 weeks each side of opposition next year. So between now and then the primary task is to recruit this number.

This year, perhaps when we get a few more on board, we choose a week and see how many images we can get with the number of people we have, in order to learn about what is going to be required.

Thoughts anyone?

Cheers, Niall
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