What do you play? Musical Imagers · Scott · ... · 54 · 1144 · 1

BigScott_27 0.00
·  1 like
It seems to me a lot of imagers also have experience in music. I'm a drummer for the last 30 years, I can also  play keyboards, trombone, and sousaphone not at a professional level.
Sagittarius_a 0.00

You seem to be a great musician 8)

I play piano, and I like the idea of this group, it's interesting.

BigScott_27 0.00
Welcome Hadrien,
Thought it might be a good topic. maybe put a few bands together. Never know.
trombone76 0.00
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30 years bass trombone, 5 years in a professional big band.
Jooshs 0.00
Guitar, bass, trumpet, trombone, and piano here!
tempusfugitxxii 0.00
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I play classical guitar and tenor saxophone.
KuriousGeorge 1.20
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40 years piano.
carastro 8.21
I've been an opera singer for most of my life having sung professionally for around 10 years.  Still singing but not as vocally fit as I was in my younger days.

So my instrument is my voice.

avdhoeven 2.41
20 years of flute playing...
heinhein 0.00
Piano - I teach a lot and play some Concerts......
Greetings from Germany Heinz L.
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grsotnas 4.82
I really liked this thread, great opportunity for the communtity to talk about other interests along astrophotographing!

As for me, I can play the piano, mostly. Can also improvise a bit on the keyboard...

dagoldst 1.51
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49 years on guitar.  Build tube amps occasionally for myself and friends that gig.  Played piano, but hand issues ended that.
rhedden 9.48
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32 years playing cello.... about 8 times what I have devoted to astrophotography!
RiccardoBallerini 0.00
Jazz piano player and conservatory teacher
Astratudo 0.00
interesting thread. I play clarinet, saxophone and drums. mostly drums these days  8)
WesChilton 0.00
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I've been a drummer since about 1970... I've toured, been a studio musician and composer (mostly commercial). I have a masters in jazz comp from Berklee College of music in Boston (1991).

I don't pursue music professionally any longer, but I still play.  8)
Deep_Sky 12.40
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HI everybody! I´   tried to play very rookie-like keyboards...I love very much music and astrophotography...but unfortunately I decided to sell my beloved Tyros 4 to remain with my gear in Astrophotos! :-) ... :-( ....

My Best regards, Daniel Nobre...

....please see my llittle play here, if you like:

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hironimus 0.00
He plays the guitar and used to do so in a band (long time ago), and I play with people and my camera...
XCalRocketMan 3.71
I play synthesizer (Roland Fantom X7), piano and accordion. I'm not all that great as a player but have two CDs (of my original compositions) out on CDBaby and iTunes (and other networks).  Go by the name 'Epaphras'.
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AC1000 0.90
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I start playing guitar 45 years ago, mostly electric, favourite instrument is a Fender Squier Strat classic 50's,
played through a Fender Frontman amp, occasionally combined with a tube overdrive or digital delay.
Most preferred style is blues rock and psychedelic sound, sometimes played very loud in my cellar
Cheers, Harald
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johnschnupp 0.00
I play the radio.  Had piano lessons as a child but that was nearly 40 years ago.  I got more serious about playing radio in high school when I joined the radio club and got my amateur radio license in 1980.  de N3CNL.
musicalengineer 0.00
When it's cloudy, I should be post-processing, but  I'm usually playing my guitar.   8)  I also play harmonica and keyboards.  I tend to play blues/rock on Guitar, but on piano I play a sort-of impressionist style.  I have a small recording studio and I'm always geeking out with music technology and synthesizers.  I have a couple nice electric guitars and a beautiful Martin D16 acoustic, as well as several synthesizers and a Schimmel upright.  I wrote software for a synthesizer company and worked on audio software for a couple music technology companies. These days I work in robotics which is very interesting, but not as much fun as music - though it pays better!  I enjoy my Fender Deluxe Reverb tube amp, guitar pedals, and a newly acquired Line6 Helix multi-effects pedal - which is amazing.

It's great to read everyone's post and see so many who love music and astronomy!

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dpsmoody 0.00
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Keyboards, guitar , trumpet (well in years past I did), drums, I've been putsing around with the idea of getting a wind controller too. 8)

In addition I have generally found astronomers (both amateur and professional) have an artistic eye, are nature lovers, love classical music, jazz and blues, for that matter any musical genre that's well performed, have talents in painting, general or landscape photography and literature along with logical thinking patterns. Generally have a centrist or left wing political stance (but not always...) A good balance between right and left brain activities but lean towards the right brain.  Agree? Disagree??
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Snjór 11.96
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Mini Moog, Eurorack, Volcas, Novation Circuit, Moog Mother 32 x2 , many pedals, also piano and church organist.
musicalengineer 0.00
Dan:   What you said is interesting, but finding any correlation to political views is pretty close to impossible, IMHO.  People vary so much in background, environment, culture, education, taste, and aptitudes. Perhaps there's some correlation to education, but again, in the US it might be one way and in some other country, another way.   I can barely draw a stick figure :-)  but I do find musical capability common with people in science and engineering. Overall,  I like to stay away from inferences and generalities about populations of people, as interesting as it might be. It is natural to want to find correlations, so I'm not saying you shouldn't.

Sigriour:   I'm digging the gear you listed.  I just bought the "mother of all guitar pedals", the Line 6 Helix.  And I am waiting on a new Paramount and Planewave telescope.  Looks like I need to work a lot of extra hours writing C++ the next couple years!  (Actually, I saved up for all this, but it's a lot in one year).

The Paramount MX+ and PlaneWave CDK 12.5 should be here next week. I was so excited, I couldn't sleep last night. I am selling my AP Mach 1 and Edge 9.25.

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