Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  7 Cep  ·  HD205741  ·  HD205776  ·  HD206136  ·  HD206243  ·  HD206897  ·  HD207684  ·  HD207826  ·  HD207884  ·  HD208682  ·  HD208904  ·  HD208930  ·  HD208947  ·  HD208971  ·  IC 5134  ·  LBN 497  ·  LDN 1176  ·  LDN 1181  ·  LDN 1183  ·  NGC 7129  ·  NGC 7133  ·  NGC 7142  ·  The star 7 Cep  ·  VdB146
NGC 7129 next to SNR G107.0+9.0, HaOiiiRGB, Göran Nilsson
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NGC 7129 next to SNR G107.0+9.0, HaOiiiRGB

NGC 7129 next to SNR G107.0+9.0, HaOiiiRGB, Göran Nilsson
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NGC 7129 next to SNR G107.0+9.0, HaOiiiRGB



Acquisition details



This is RGB data collected a few night ago mixed with NBZ filtered data (so Ha+Oiii) from last year. A lot of knowns and some possible unkowns to be found in this rather deep image.

Centrally in the image lies NGC7129, also known as IC5134, which appears to be a mix of Ha emitting and blue reflection nebulosity (the latter also known as VDB146). Next to it is the open star cluster NGC7142.

To the left are Ha and Oiii filaments from the supernova remnant G107.0+9.0, which was first described as late as 2020 and you can read about it here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.05620v2.pdf. You can also have a look at my image that includes most of this SNR: https://www.astrobin.com/tdt5uw/C/

Other interesting objects include the small red structure quite near NGC7129 (at about 2 a´clock). It is PN RebPau-1 and you can read about it here: https://www.astrobin.com/d3a634/

There is another strongly Ha emitting object near the top right. The only information about it that I can find in Simbad (http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=GAL+104.9%2B11.2&) is the designation GAL 104.9+11.2 and "Ha region". I first wonder edif it could be a planetary nebula, but probably not (see https://aas.aanda.org/articles/aas/pdf/1996/15/ds1142.pdf).



    NGC 7129 next to SNR G107.0+9.0, HaOiiiRGB, Göran Nilsson
    NGC 7129 next to SNR G107.0+9.0, HaOiiiRGB, Göran Nilsson
    NGC 7129 next to SNR G107.0+9.0, HaOiiiRGB, Göran Nilsson
  • Final
    NGC 7129 next to SNR G107.0+9.0, HaOiiiRGB, Göran Nilsson


Description: Dustier version

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Description: Added more data I had on the SNR

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Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 7129 next to SNR G107.0+9.0, HaOiiiRGB, Göran Nilsson