Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  B346  ·  Cygnus  ·  HD191256  ·  HD191354  ·  HD191491  ·  HD191546  ·  HD191742  ·  HD191810  ·  HD191854  ·  HD191896  ·  HD191943  ·  HD192001  ·  HD192037  ·  HD192039  ·  HD192121  ·  HD192202  ·  HD192224  ·  HD192242  ·  HD192279  ·  HD192339  ·  HD192340  ·  HD192402  ·  HD192403  ·  HD192496  ·  HD192535  ·  HD192555  ·  HD192582  ·  HD192583  ·  HD192601  ·  HD192602  ·  And 135 more.
The Swan's left wing engine -  Simeis 57 and friends (Foraxx palette), Georg G Albrecht
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The Swan's left wing engine - Simeis 57 and friends (Foraxx palette)

The Swan's left wing engine -  Simeis 57 and friends (Foraxx palette), Georg G Albrecht
Powered byPixInsight

The Swan's left wing engine - Simeis 57 and friends (Foraxx palette)



Acquisition details



Although I still have several images left to process, taken with my ASI183MC pro, this is First Light for my new Player One Poseidon-C pro camera.
No more amp-glow...but now I need to consider a bigger NAS to store files. And everything is slower in processing due to Drizzle x2 

A few objects of interest in this image:
PN? - IRAS 20088+4402
PN - PN M 4-17  (There are a few more mini PNs in the image)
Top down RNe -  GN 20.22.9 / GN 20.23.0 / GN / GN 20.22.7
