Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Andromeda (And)  ·  Contains:  35 And  ·  Andromeda Galaxy  ·  M 110  ·  M 31  ·  M 32  ·  NGC 205  ·  NGC 221  ·  NGC 224  ·  The star 32 And  ·  The star ν And
Messier 31, Mark Sansom
Messier 31
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Messier 31

Messier 31, Mark Sansom
Messier 31
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Messier 31



Acquisition details



The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light years from Earth and is approximately 30% larger than our own Milky Way. It is heading our way and is expected reach us in about 4 billion years.  You can also make out a companion galaxy, Messier 110. Similarly, our own Milky Way has two satellite galaxies: the Magellanic Clouds. This image was captured over two nights as Andromeda  reaches a maximum elevation of only 10 degrees above the horizon and that makes capturing an image more time- limited. Taken from Little Desert National Park, Nhill, Victoria, Australia.
