Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  Hubble's Nebula  ·  NGC 2261
Two fast moving stars close to Hubble's Nebula NGC2261, Jean-Pierre Lees
Two fast moving stars close to Hubble's Nebula NGC2261
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Two fast moving stars close to Hubble's Nebula NGC2261

Two fast moving stars close to Hubble's Nebula NGC2261, Jean-Pierre Lees
Two fast moving stars close to Hubble's Nebula NGC2261
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Two fast moving stars close to Hubble's Nebula NGC2261



Acquisition details



In a recent post, we published the displacement of fast moving star LP 540-5 (Luyten Palomar ) close to NGC2261. It appears that in the same field another fast moving star is also present, LSPM J0639+0849.  We show in the present  post the displacement of both stars.
The 5 pictures from this animation come from different authors and instruments:  the 2012  picture was registered by J.P.Lees (C8 and EOS450D (2012) and  the 2023 picture was registered by Philippe Gilberton with a C8Hedge and a ZWO ASI 1600mm camera. Some other data from J.P.Lees (2015, 2019 and 2024) is used in our study but not shown in the animation.
The final animation, with improving and harmonization of the different pictures appearance, was performed by Philippe Gilberton. To increase the time span from 12 to 70 years, we added in the final animation   professional pictures taken in 1953,  1982,  and 1996 and issued from National Geographic Society - Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (NGS-POSS,  credit: Caltech/Palomar Observatory, pictures) taken with the 48 inch (1,22m) Schmidt telescope of Palomar Observatory.

After alignment of all pictures,  the displacement of the two runaway stars in arsec respective to their 1953 position  is found to be:
            LP 540-5                 LSPM J0639+0849        LP 540-5           LSPM J0639 +0849
Year    D(AD)     D(Dec)      D(AD)     D(Dec)               D Tot                D Tot
1953    0,0         0,0               0,0          0,0                     0                       0,0
1982    6,3         0,8               2,1          4,2                     6,3                    4,7
1996    9,1         1,1               3,1          6,4                     9,1                    7,1
2012    11,9       1,0              3,9           8,6                    11,9                  9,5
2015    13,1       1,9              4,3           9,4                    13,2                10,3
2019    13,4       1,4              4,5           9,6                    13,5                10,6
2023    14,3       1,6              4,9         10,1                    14,4                11,2
2024    14,4       1,7              4,8         10,4                    14,5                11,5

The global displacement of LP 540-5 vs year is shown below. The computed annual displacement averaged over  71 years is found to be 0,204 arcsec/year

displacement star1.jpg

The global displacement of LSPM J0639+0849 vs year is shown below. The computed annual displacement averaged over  71 years is found to be 0,162 arcsec/year
displacement star2.jpg


Sky plot

Sky plot

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