Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Triangulum (Tri)  ·  Contains:  M 33  ·  NGC 598  ·  Triangulum galaxy
M33 Pinwheel Galaxy, Barry Brook
M33 Pinwheel Galaxy
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M33 Pinwheel Galaxy



Acquisition details



M33 is a classic northern hemisphere DSO. However, I thought I'd take a challenge and capture it low on the horizon from the south (it never rose above 22 degrees altitude). There was also substantial light pollution and a hazy atmosphere to peer through, and it was imaged through an achromat (at f/4), which meant that it was impossible to gather focused Luminance frames (so the Lum was synthetic, based on a weighted blend of the R, G and B channels and Ha data).

The overall result is not great (the R and B channels bloat badly with the achromat - this is really only good as a narrowband astrograph), but at least I can say I tried!

Ha = 16 x 900 sec

R = 48 x 100 sec

G = 44 x 114 sec

B = 47 x 92 sec

(RGB sub-length determined for optimal colour balance). Ha-R was used for the R chrominance channel. Post-processed using Startools.

For now, I think I'll keep the achromat for exclusively NB imaging!



  • M33 Pinwheel Galaxy, Barry Brook
  • Final
    M33 Pinwheel Galaxy, Barry Brook

Sky plot

Sky plot


M33 Pinwheel Galaxy, Barry Brook