Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  LDN 1653  ·  NGC 2313
NGC 2313, Gary Imm
NGC 2313, Gary Imm

NGC 2313

NGC 2313, Gary Imm
NGC 2313, Gary Imm

NGC 2313



Acquisition details



This Astrobin Debut Object is a small cometary nebula located 4000 light years away in the constellation of Monoceros at a declination of -8 degrees.  The nebula spans 40 arc-seconds in our apparent view.  This corresponds to a width of about 1 light year.

A cometary nebula is a reflection nebula that looks like a comet, with a head shrouded in dust and a fan-shaped tail.  They often are the birthplaces of stars and they usually have young stars in their heads.  The most famous example is Hubble's Variable Nebula.  My collection of cometary nebulae is here.

The nuclei of cometary nebulae are usually T Tauri type variable stars.   In this object, the orange variable source star is the magnitude 14.5 star V* V565 Mon.
