Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  Maia nebula  ·  Merope nebula  ·  NGC 1432  ·  NGC 1435  ·  The star Celaeno (16Tau)  ·  The star Electra (17Tau)  ·  The star Merope (23Tau)  ·  The star Sterope I (21Tau)  ·  The star Taygeta (19Tau)  ·  The star ηTau
M45 First Attempt at Astrophotography, Egg
M45 First Attempt at Astrophotography
Powered byPixInsight

M45 First Attempt at Astrophotography

M45 First Attempt at Astrophotography, Egg
M45 First Attempt at Astrophotography
Powered byPixInsight

M45 First Attempt at Astrophotography



Acquisition details



36 x 30s lights

13 x 30s darks

55 bias

18 flats

ISO 800

Bortle zone 6 - 7

Imaging telescopes or lenses: Skywatcher 102/500

Imaging cameras: Canon 50D

Mounts: Celestron Advanced VX

Software: PixInsight

Didn't have Magic Lantern installed on the camera at the time so I was limited to manual 30s exposures. I could have pushed another 4 stops to 4 minutes before saturation from light pollution, but my polar alignment wouldn't have been good enough anyway.

Still need to buy a polar scope to align the mount, looking through the hole where the polar scope is supposed to be doesn't really cut it...

The scope is a budget f5 achromat which has a lot of trouble focusing the blue channel, which made m45 a poor choice of target, while red is acceptable and green is relatively good.

DBR did a great job with the light pollution going from an incredible bright orange/red glow after stretching to this.

Single frame:



Sky plot

Sky plot


M45 First Attempt at Astrophotography, Egg