Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Leo (Leo)  ·  Contains:  M 65  ·  M 66  ·  NGC 3623  ·  NGC 3627  ·  NGC 3628
Leo Triplet LRGB, Valerio Avitabile
Leo Triplet LRGB
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Leo Triplet LRGB, Valerio Avitabile
Leo Triplet LRGB
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The Leo Triplet is a fascinating example of a group of galaxies in gravitational interaction. Here are some more detailed insights into each of the galaxies that make up this triplet:NGC 3628 (Hamburger Galaxy)-M66 (NGC 3627)-M65 (NGC 3623)NGC 3628 is an unbarred spiral galaxy located at an approximate distance of about 35 million light-years from Earth. It is known for its spectacular edge-on view, which shows a thin disk of stars, gas, and interstellar dust. The galaxy is inclined relative to our line of sight, accentuating its "hamburger" shape. Recent studies have revealed a vast cloud of gas and dust surrounding the galaxy, indicating some star formation activity and the presence of star-forming regions within NGC 3628. M66 is a barred spiral galaxy located about 36 million light-years from Earth. It is one of the brightest galaxies in the group and displays a well-defined spiral arm structure surrounding a central bar of stars.M66 also hosts a significant amount of star-forming regions, highlighted by the presence of young star clusters and bright nebulae in its spiral arms. The galaxy shows clear signs of distortion caused by gravitational interaction with the other galaxies in the triplet. M65 is a spiral galaxy also located about 35 million light-years from Earth. It has a structure similar to M66, with well-defined spiral arms surrounding a bright nucleus. Like the other galaxies in the triplet, M65 shows signs of distortion due to gravitational interaction with its neighbors.M65 also hosts active star-forming regions, highlighted by the presence of young star clusters and bright nebulae. The gravitational interaction between these galaxies has had a significant impact on their morphology and their stellar evolution. Studying the Leo Triplet provides astronomers with important insights into galaxy evolution and the dynamics of galactic interactions.


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Sky plot


Leo Triplet LRGB, Valerio Avitabile