Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)  ·  Contains:  IC 4356  ·  NGC 5394  ·  NGC 5395
Arp 84, Heron Galaxy, NGC 5395, NGC 5394, Doug Summers
Arp 84, Heron Galaxy, NGC 5395, NGC 5394
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Arp 84, Heron Galaxy, NGC 5395, NGC 5394

Arp 84, Heron Galaxy, NGC 5395, NGC 5394, Doug Summers
Arp 84, Heron Galaxy, NGC 5395, NGC 5394
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Arp 84, Heron Galaxy, NGC 5395, NGC 5394



Acquisition details



At 160 million years distance, NGC 5395 (larger galaxy) and NGC 5394 are interacting and disturbing each other.    The two galaxies together do make a good resemblance to it's nickname, the Heron.  NGC 5395 is a large galaxy at 140K light-years diameter, while NGC 5394 is on the order of 90K light-years in diameter.   The larger galaxy appears only 2.5 arcminutes in extent, forcing a fairly extensive crop to show much detail.   A fair amount of dust and gas are visible in the larger galaxy, but even the smaller galaxy shows some detail beyond those widely sweeping arms.



  • Arp 84, Heron Galaxy, NGC 5395, NGC 5394, Doug Summers
  • Final
    Arp 84, Heron Galaxy, NGC 5395, NGC 5394, Doug Summers

Sky plot

Sky plot


Arp 84, Heron Galaxy, NGC 5395, NGC 5394, Doug Summers