Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  NGC 1491
NGC1491 Bright Nebula, niteman1946
NGC1491 Bright Nebula
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NGC1491 Bright Nebula

NGC1491 Bright Nebula, niteman1946
NGC1491 Bright Nebula
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NGC1491 Bright Nebula



Acquisition details



NGC 1491 is a Bright Nebula in the constellation of Perseus.  It is referred to as NGC 1491 in the New General Catalogue. This is a list of deep space objects that was compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 in an update to John Herschel earlier catalogue. It is also known as LBN 704. [Source:  Universe Guide and Wikipedia]

IMAGE information -- 2021and 2022
This is a combination of Ha, OIII and SII.
Ha : 40 subs (3.33 hrs.) on Dec 27th and 28th, 2021
OIII : 40 subs (3.33 hrs.) on Dec 27th and 28th, 2021
SII : 40 subs (3.33 hrs.) on Dec 28th 2021 and Jan 6th, 2022.

All exposures were at 5 minutes (300s) each, 1x1 bin, -10C, Gain 1600 and Offset 56.

Each subs of Ha, SII and OIII were individually integrated, then merged, and lastly combined. The three assemblies then created the Hubble Palette, using PixelMath and the following “SHO” formula:
Red = SII
Grn = Ha
Blu = OIII

Luminance was generated using only subs from the Ha filter.
Processing was done with PixInsight, following (for the most part) kayronjm's tutorial of Feb. 24th from several years back. Credit also goes to Rick Stevenson’s Color Mask Script and Christopher Gomez’s tutorial.

North is up (pretty sure, or not), and this is a slight crop.  

This was my first effort with this target.

I continue with the "shake down" voyage of my new QHY294m Pro mono cmos camera.  I now have better control over the “gain” setting and have the Lights, Bias, Flats and Darks at Gain of 1600.

As mentioned on my previous image (M76), I’m using Bias as opposed to the (almost universally) recommended Flat-Darks.  However I’m seeing a bit of “amp glow” creep into the SII integration (while nothing yet shows in Ha and OIII).  I suspect that once I start doing LRGB, I’ll need to convert to Flat-Darks use.

I continue to use the Starnet tool in Pixinsight with good results.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC1491 Bright Nebula, niteman1946