Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  41 Ori A)  ·  41 Ori C  ·  41 Ori D  ·  41 the01 Ori  ·  43 Ori)  ·  43 the02 Ori  ·  Great Orion Nebula  ·  HD36899  ·  HD36917  ·  HD36939  ·  HD36981  ·  HD36982  ·  HD37042  ·  HD37061  ·  HD37062  ·  HD37114  ·  HD37115  ·  HD37174  ·  LBN 974  ·  M 42  ·  M 43  ·  Mairan's Nebula  ·  NGC 1976  ·  NGC 1982  ·  Orion Nebula  ·  PGC 3081010  ·  Sh2-281  ·  The star Mizan Batil II (θ2 Ori  ·  The star Trapezium (θ1 Ori A  ·  The star θ1 Ori C  ·  And 1 more.
Center Field from M42, José Joaquín Pérez
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Center Field from M42

Center Field from M42, José Joaquín Pérez
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Center Field from M42



Acquisition details



It all begins as a big 2x3 panels mosaic project, covering all this famous nebula. During the processing, the final decision was to restrict it to the best 4 panels. Great learning experience of new tools (for me) in PixInsight (Mosaic By Coordinates and Photometric Mosaic)


Sky plot

Sky plot


Center Field from M42, José Joaquín Pérez