Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Ophiuchus (Oph)  ·  Contains:  M 107  ·  NGC 6171
M107, Gary Imm
M107, Gary Imm


M107, Gary Imm
M107, Gary Imm




Acquisition details



This Messier globular cluster is located 20,000 light years away in the constellation of Ophiuchus at a declination of -13 degrees.  It is a magnitude 7.8 cluster which spans 10 arc-minutes in our apparent view.  This corresponds to a diameter of 60 light years.

As compared to other 29 Messier globular clusters, this cluster is not particularly dense. As shown in the image, the stars throughout the cluster, including the core, are fully resolvable and are not packed tightly together.  M107 has a Shapley–Sawyer concentration rating of 10 (out of 12).  Only 2 Messier globular clusters have a higher (looser) rating.

The cluster contains about 100,000 stars and appears to be very old, as exhibited by the lack of many bluish stars in this object as compared to other clusters.
