Contains:  Solar system body or event

Io-GRS-Transit on Jupiter in High-Resolution (2024-11-02)

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging

Io-GRS-Transit on Jupiter in High-Resolution (2024-11-02)

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Animation of Io-GRS-Transit on Jupiter in High-Resolution on 2nd November 2024.
The animation starts at 00:46 UT and ends at 1:22 UT (36 minutes).

Finally, after years, I caught a short phase of good seeing, which provided enough material to produce a clean animation of a moon transit on Jupiter.

I recommend enjoying the animation in full screen mode.

Celestron SC C14 and Televue Powermate 2x, PlayerOne Mars-C and Baader UV/IR-Cut,
73x 40 sec, 30% of the frames stacked with AutoStakkert!4, derotated with WinJupos.
Animated with fantamorph5.
