Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Lyra (Lyr)  ·  Contains:  IC 1296  ·  M 57  ·  NGC 6720  ·  Ring nebula in Lyra
Planetary Nebula  M57, The Ring, in Bi-Color (Ha and O3)  = REV.2 =, Fernando
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Planetary Nebula M57, The Ring, in Bi-Color (Ha and O3) = REV.2 =



Acquisition details



This image shows the first level of the outer shell, which is expanding outward at a few tens of Km/s, around the nebula as well as the helix shape of M57, what makes it so similar to NGC7293, The Helix.

The central star, a type W or O, is responsable for making the nebula shining, is also visible, although very dim in this image.

Unfortunately, the elevation during the transit is 34 deg, what makes impossible a better capture.

Some data about M57:

RA: 18h 53m

Dec: +33' 02"

Apparent Size: 3.0' x 2.4'

Magnitude: 8.8

Distance: 2000 Light Years

Capture Details:

Ha: 21 x 600sec

O3: 25 x 600sec

Scope: Quattro CF 10 f/4

CCD: Trius SX-694



= REV.2 =

This new revision improved the real colors of the ring by using not only a new color palette in PI but by implementing a better color balance. I am happy with the result that certainly would be much better if we had M57 transiting here with more elevation instead of 34 deg.



  • Planetary Nebula  M57, The Ring, in Bi-Color (Ha and O3)  = REV.2 =, Fernando
  • Final
    Planetary Nebula  M57, The Ring, in Bi-Color (Ha and O3)  = REV.2 =, Fernando

Sky plot

Sky plot


Planetary Nebula  M57, The Ring, in Bi-Color (Ha and O3)  = REV.2 =, Fernando