Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Pegasus (Peg)  ·  Contains:  NGC 7497
NGC7497 Spiral Galaxy with Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN), niteman1946
NGC7497 Spiral Galaxy with Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN)
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NGC7497 Spiral Galaxy with Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN)

NGC7497 Spiral Galaxy with Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN), niteman1946
NGC7497 Spiral Galaxy with Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN)
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NGC7497 Spiral Galaxy with Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN)



Acquisition details



NGC 7497 is a spiral galaxy, type SBc, in the constellation Pegasus. At a distance of about 59 million light-years, the galaxy is viewed through the Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN). The residual light of our galaxy illuminates this faint nebula.  [Source:  Astronomy]. 
NGC 7497 is not a Messier Object and doesn't have a Messier Number. The galaxy is separate and distinct, not in our Milky Way galaxy or The Solar System.  [Source:  Universal Guide]. 

Capture Information:
The image was captured with the iOptron CEM120 mount, the venerable Meade 12" LX200 SCT OTA, and my QHYCCD QHY294m Pro mono CMOS camera at F7.16 (2182 mm FL)

Astronomik's Lum, Red, Green and Blue broad band filters were used.

Image Information -- 2023
LUM : 102 subs (8.50hr) on Oct 19th and 31st, and Nov 1st and 14th.
RED :   29 subs (2.42hr) on Oct 17th and 19th, and Nov 1st.
GRN :  29 subs (2.42hr) on Oct 17th,and Nov 1st.
BLU :   30 subs (2.50hr) on Oct 19th,and Nov 1st.
All exposures were at 5 minutes (300s) each, 1600 gain, 56 offset, 1x1 bin and -10C.

Processing was done with PixInsight, following (for the most part) Kayronjm's tutorial of Feb. 24th from several years back.
Lum filter was used to develop the Luminance image. R, G and B were collected for the color mix.
North is to the right (pretty sure), and this is a slight crop to capture the surroundind IFN.

This is the 2nd time I’ve run at this target.  The first was in November 2017, using my Atik 383L+ mono CCD at F7.16 (2182mm FL), my Celestron CGE Pro mount and the de-mounted 12”LX200 OTA.

The iOptron CEM120 mount RA excursions continue in further bizarre fashions.  I’m most certain that cycling the mount about its RA axis (+/- 90 degrees from top dead center) does allow the mount to guide reasonably well.  Without that exercise the guiding flat-lines for the duration of the sub (5 minutes) and the guide star drifts off.  Weird!


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC7497 Spiral Galaxy with Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN), niteman1946