Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  HD109415  ·  HD109627  ·  IC 3531  ·  IC 3533  ·  IC 3536  ·  IC 3543  ·  IC 3546  ·  IC 3571  ·  IC 3582  ·  IC 3599  ·  NGC 4555  ·  NGC 4562  ·  NGC 4565  ·  Needle Galaxy
Needle Galaxy NGC 4565, Joel Lee
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Needle Galaxy NGC 4565

Needle Galaxy NGC 4565, Joel Lee
Powered byPixInsight

Needle Galaxy NGC 4565



Acquisition details



The Needle Galaxy is one of the most famous edge-spiral galaxies. At longer integrations, the galaxy's edges exhibits more blue newer stars and seems to be slightly distorted despite its initial appearance. I found it interesting that there are numerous other edge-on galaxies in this field.

This was a good middle of the night target to quickly grab images of. It's fairly bright, easy to process, and of a fairly large size. Some interesting things I learned are that there are often SEVERE variances in atmospheric quality leading to some nights being unkeepable. We've had some perfectly clear nights with absolutely terrible seeing (6+ HFD). Also have had a lot of perfect days followed by 10PM and later enshrouding by fog. At least the weather is super nice all the time.

I feel like that for me I already managed to gather most of the details in the first couple of hours. The rest of the hours were to sharpen up the image. As a result, I have to halt here since the moon is getting really bright.

Processing Steps:
1. Analyze and stack in ASTAP (20 Flats per session, 20 Darks, 100 Flat Darks)
2. Load into PixInsight
3. DynamicCrop
4. GradientCorrection -> Default till convergence
5. ImageSolver
6. SPCC -> Antlia Triband all three channels, IMX 571 QE, Average Spiral Galaxy
7. BXT Default
8. NXT 0.60 Denoise and Default Detail
9. GHS -> Stretch without adjusting local intensity first time then second time light stretch with local intensity adjustment
10. RangeSelection Galaxy
11. Curves Transformation boost Saturation 2-3x curves lightly
