Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers

Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars

Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers

Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars



Acquisition details



Abell 61 looks like a planet to my eyes in Ha H+O (40-60%) OIII. With RGB enhanced stars. A lot of galactic dust in the image which due to the NB is showing blue. Hopefully the clouds will allow for more subs and the gathering of some Luminance.

Rev A: the RGB you can see the blue dwarf in the centre surrounded by a faint outline of Abell 61.

Rev B: The OIII

Rev C: The ha

Rev D: The NB image

Rev E: the combined colour images.

Rev F: Registered the Ha stack to the OIII this seemed to help with the star size. Re-did the blend for the green at 50/50 ha and OIII (previous version was 40/60) no discernible difference. Stretched this image this time using a masked stretch at 400 iterations with an aggregated background reference. Then finished the stretching in the HTF program. Added the RGB stars. A lot more subtle outcome.

A work in progress still.

Rev G: Tried to address the blue fringing on the whiter stars. Used the star mask and colour saturation programme, where I selected the blue tone and really de-saturated it down to -10 range. Stars are a tad better. Thanks for the pointer Dave.



  • Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers
  • Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers
  • Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers
  • Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers
  • Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers
  • Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers
  • Final
    Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers


Abell 61 in Cygnus with RGB stars, Pat Rodgers