Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  Christmas Tree Cluster  ·  NGC 2251  ·  NGC 2259  ·  NGC 2264  ·  NGC 2265  ·  The star 14 Mon  ·  The star 15 Mon  ·  The star 16 Mon  ·  The star 17 Mon  ·  The star 32 Gem
Cone, Fox Fur, NGC 2264, NGC 2259, Hubble's Variable Nebula, and others, Chad Andrist
Cone, Fox Fur, NGC 2264, NGC 2259, Hubble's Variable Nebula, and others
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Cone, Fox Fur, NGC 2264, NGC 2259, Hubble's Variable Nebula, and others

Cone, Fox Fur, NGC 2264, NGC 2259, Hubble's Variable Nebula, and others, Chad Andrist
Cone, Fox Fur, NGC 2264, NGC 2259, Hubble's Variable Nebula, and others
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Cone, Fox Fur, NGC 2264, NGC 2259, Hubble's Variable Nebula, and others



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