Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  Bode's Galaxy  ·  M 81  ·  NGC 3031
Messier 81 Bodes Galaxy, Roger Menard
Messier 81 Bodes Galaxy
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Messier 81 Bodes Galaxy

Messier 81 Bodes Galaxy, Roger Menard
Messier 81 Bodes Galaxy
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Messier 81 Bodes Galaxy



Acquisition details



I previously imaged M81 using an 11 inch SCT and a ZWO ASI2600 one-shot color camera. 

I recently bought the monochrome version of ZWO ASI2600 along with a ZWO filter wheel and Baader CMOS filter set. This is my first attempt at LRGB imaging and LRBG processing.

With prominent, clearly defined spiral arms, Bode’s Galaxy is an excellent example of a grand design spiral.
Messier 81 is the largest member of the M81 Group of galaxies, a group that contains 34 galaxies located in Ursa Major. The M81 Group includes the Cigar Galaxy (Messier 82) and NGC 3077, two galaxies that are strongly affected by their large neighbor.
The gravitational influence of M81 has left all three galaxies stripped of hydrogen gas.
The interactions between the galaxies have allowed interstellar gas to fall into the central regions of Bode’s Galaxy and NGC 3077, which has triggered vigorous starburst activity there. 

The galaxy’s size and proximity – it is one of the nearest galaxies beyond the Local Group – often make it a target of study by professional astronomers, while amateur astronomers and astrophotographers like to observe the galaxy because it is large and has a relatively high brightness.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Messier 81 Bodes Galaxy, Roger Menard