Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Triangulum Australe (TrA)
NGC 5979 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Triangulum Australe., Mark Sansom
NGC 5979 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Triangulum Australe.
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NGC 5979 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Triangulum Australe.

NGC 5979 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Triangulum Australe., Mark Sansom
NGC 5979 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Triangulum Australe.
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NGC 5979 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Triangulum Australe.



Acquisition details



I imaged this at 3000mm focal length because it’s only a mere 7.8 seconds of arc in diameter.  
One of the downsides of imaging at this focal length is that the seeing conditions have to be good and, unfortunately, they weren’t on this night.
