Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sculptor (Scl)  ·  Contains:  NGC 7793
NGC 7793, Gary Imm
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NGC 7793

NGC 7793, Gary Imm
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NGC 7793



Acquisition details



Note – A more recent upgraded image of this object has been posted here.


This object is a flocculent spiral galaxy located only 13 million light years away in the constellation of Sculptor at a southerly declination of -33 degrees. The galaxy width is 10 arc-minutes in our apparent view, which corresponds to a diameter of only 40,000 light years. It looks big, but it is just close.

Our view of the galaxy is 40 degrees from edge-on. I love the disorganized spiral pattern of this galaxy. Star clusters are visible in the outer arms. The core is muted and there doesn't seem to be any kind of central bulge.
