Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Camelopardalis (Cam)  ·  Contains:  HD19820  ·  HD20040  ·  HD20095  ·  HD20134  ·  HD20147  ·  HD20295  ·  HD20508  ·  HD20547  ·  HD20688  ·  HD20689  ·  HD20762  ·  HD20930  ·  HD20959  ·  HD21203  ·  HD21224  ·  HD21291  ·  HD21389  ·  HD21427  ·  HD21742  ·  HD21769  ·  HD21843  ·  HD237081  ·  HD237088  ·  HD237091  ·  HD237099  ·  HD237102  ·  HD237121  ·  LBN 677  ·  LBN 681  ·  LBN 682  ·  And 11 more.
VdB14 and15, Rajat Kumar
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VdB14 and15

VdB14 and15, Rajat Kumar
Powered byPixInsight

VdB14 and15



Acquisition details



VdB14 and VdB15 are stunning reflection nebulae situated approximately 2,600 light-years away, within a dense dust cloud in the constellation Camelopardalis. VdB14 is illuminated by the bright variable blue supergiant HD 21291, while VdB15 is lit by HD 21389. These nebulae lie in close proximity to each other, as well as to the large emission nebula SH2-202, creating a visually captivating region of space.This image was captured at the Hanle Dark Sky Reserve Star Party 2024, held in one of the world’s most pristine Bortle 1 zones at the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) in Hanle, India. Operated by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, the IAO sits at an altitude of 4,500 meters (14,764 ft) in the Western Himalayas, offering some of the best conditions globally for deep-sky observation using optical, infrared, and gamma-ray telescopes.


Sky plot

Sky plot


VdB14 and15, Rajat Kumar

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