Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  IC 5070  ·  NGC 6960  ·  NGC 6992  ·  NGC 7000  ·  North America Nebula  ·  Part of the constellation Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Pelican Nebula  ·  The constellation Lyra (Lyr)  ·  The constellation Sagitta (Sge)  ·  The constellation Vulpecula (Vul)  ·  The star Albireo (β1Cyg)  ·  The star Deneb (αCyg)  ·  The star Gienah (εCyg)  ·  The star Sadr (γCyg)  ·  The star Sheliak (βLyr)  ·  The star Sulafat (γLyr)  ·  The star Vega (αLyr)  ·  The star γSge  ·  The star δCyg  ·  The star ζCyg  ·  Veil Nebula
Widefield- Milky Way in Cygnus, William Maxwell
Widefield- Milky Way in Cygnus
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Widefield- Milky Way in Cygnus

Widefield- Milky Way in Cygnus, William Maxwell
Widefield- Milky Way in Cygnus
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Widefield- Milky Way in Cygnus



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One of my favorite areas of the night sky...


Sky plot

Sky plot


Widefield- Milky Way in Cygnus, William Maxwell

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