Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  10 Per  ·  7 chi Per  ·  8 Per  ·  B201  ·  Double cluster  ·  Misam  ·  NGC 869  ·  NGC 884  ·  The star 7Per  ·  The star 8Per
NGC 869 and NGC 884, h and chi Persei, Marzio Bambini
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NGC 869 and NGC 884, h and chi Persei

NGC 869 and NGC 884, h and chi Persei, Marzio Bambini
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NGC 869 and NGC 884, h and chi Persei



Acquisition details



12/08/2017 Poggio Rusco (MN), 16 mt, t=20°c, sqm=19.00, Takahashi FSQ106 EDX IV @ f/5.0 with Robofocus, Canon Eos 60d CentralDS @ 800 Iso, ts=-7°c, SkyWatcher AzEq6 guide and dithering with Phd2 and ASI120mm on 60mm f/4.0. Integration: light 34x120s, 5 dark, 33 bias, 35 flat. Total Integration: 1h 8m. Sequence Generator Pro. PixInsight.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 869 and NGC 884, h and chi Persei, Marzio Bambini