Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Centaurus (Cen)  ·  Contains:  M Cen  ·  NGC 5286
NGC 5286, Gary Imm
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NGC 5286

NGC 5286, Gary Imm
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NGC 5286



Acquisition details



This object is a globular star cluster located 36,000 light years away in the southern constellation of Centaurus. It is one of the most southerly Caldwell objects that can be seen in the northern hemisphere, at a declination of over -51 degrees. This is reflected by its high Caldwell number (84), since the Caldwell objects are numbered according to their declination starting at the most northerly object.

This is a fairly bright cluster. Its 7.3 magnitude is brighter than most of the Messier globular clusters. Unfortunately, because it only transits about 8 degrees above my horizon, my image of this bright globular is somewhat dim and blurry. The cluster is located next to the naked eye star M Centauri (magnitude 4.6).
