Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  Bode's galaxy  ·  Bode's nebulae  ·  Cigar galaxy  ·  M 81  ·  M 82  ·  NGC 3031  ·  NGC 3034  ·  NGC 3077
Messier 81 and 82 with lots of surrounding IFN, Connor Matherne
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Messier 81 and 82 with lots of surrounding IFN

Messier 81 and 82 with lots of surrounding IFN, Connor Matherne
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Messier 81 and 82 with lots of surrounding IFN



Acquisition details



A complete re process of some old data. Really wanted to focus on fixing some of the ~1px stars in both M81 and M82 both ended up with ringing on them before as well as bringing out the background IFN.

The only thing I really enjoyed more in the previous version was the color balance, but this one seems to look a bit more realistic in terms of color so I think others will probably prefer that on this image as well.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Messier 81 and 82 with lots of surrounding IFN, Connor Matherne