Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Dorado (Dor)  ·  Contains:  NGC 1966  ·  NGC 2048  ·  NGC 2070  ·  NGC 2077  ·  Tarantula nebula
The region around the Tarantula nebula, Rick Stevenson
The region around the Tarantula nebula
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The region around the Tarantula nebula

The region around the Tarantula nebula, Rick Stevenson
The region around the Tarantula nebula
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The region around the Tarantula nebula



Acquisition details



A region of the Large Magellanic including the Tarantula nebula and part of the bar diagonally across the bottom right.

I was surprised how well a very small amount of RGB data came out under very light polluted skies. I was originally intending to do a narrowband image with the RGB data for star colour but a straight RGB image looked pretty good, so I just enhanced it a little with some Ha and Oiii.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The region around the Tarantula nebula, Rick Stevenson