Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Virgo (Vir)  ·  Contains:  PK318+41.1
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Abell 36 planetary nebula, JHayes
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Abell 36 planetary nebula

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Abell 36 planetary nebula, JHayes
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Abell 36 planetary nebula



Acquisition details



This faint target was a great learning experience for me. The image combines 5 nights of data from May of last year (2023) with 5 nights this year.

I've made some progress in my post processing ability for this one, learning how to use High Pass filter to bring out more details. Shot with OSC, I used Astro Pixel Processor to extract Ha and Oiii into separate files.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Abell 36 planetary nebula, JHayes