Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Draco (Dra)  ·  Contains:  NGC 5906  ·  NGC 5907
Splinter Galaxy - NGC5907, Anis Abdul
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Splinter Galaxy - NGC5907

Splinter Galaxy - NGC5907, Anis Abdul
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Splinter Galaxy - NGC5907



Acquisition details



The plan was , of course , to go after the faint double loop tidal stream. Little did I know that my filters were moving in my wheel and totally killed flats. so I had to basically abandon the project. The M51 was the backup target . I was still nursing hope that I may be able to recapture subs to get that elusive tidal stream (which I was starting to see a hint of.. at least a portion of it in extreme stretch - but once the flats failed, I gave up. That thing is incredibly faint!). I still will try to attempt it again but our rain/clouds are still continuing, so I don't think it is going to happen this year.

L - 42x10 minutes

R/G/B - 15x10 minutes each


Sky plot

Sky plot


Splinter Galaxy - NGC5907, Anis Abdul