Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  IC 4605  ·  M 4  ·  NGC 6121  ·  NGC 6144  ·  The star 22Sco  ·  The star Antares (αSco)
Antares Nebula Widefield, glend
Antares Nebula Widefield
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Antares Nebula Widefield

Antares Nebula Widefield, glend
Antares Nebula Widefield
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Antares Nebula Widefield



Acquisition details



This image is a wide field shot of the Antares Nebula Cloud and the associated nearby objects:

the M4 Globular Cluster, NGC 6144 Globular Cluster, IC 4605 Bright Nebul a, IC4603 Bright Nebula. The image was captured with the TS 71 SDQ f6,3.

The image itself consist of 77 x 60s subs at IS0 800, the camera being a stock Nikon D5300. Mount was the observatory CGX.

Processing was in DSS and Photoshop CC.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Antares Nebula Widefield, glend