Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Hercules (Her)  ·  Contains:  Great Cluster in Hercules  ·  Hercules globular cluster  ·  IC 4616  ·  IC 4617  ·  M 13  ·  NGC 6205  ·  NGC 6207
M13 - Prism first light image, Scott Iver
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M13 - Prism first light image

M13 - Prism first light image, Scott Iver
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M13 - Prism first light image



Acquisition details



This is my "first light" image produced using Prism Astronomy software for acquiring the data and calibration and stacking. It's 11 Lum subs of 30 sec each. I have not yet learned processing in Prism so I did the stretch in Pixinsight. I used ACDNR once just to give it a bit of smoothing/noise reduction, otherwise this is basically unprocessed. 5.5 min total from a Red zone with Full moon.


Sky plot

Sky plot


M13 - Prism first light image, Scott Iver