Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  11 Cep  ·  16 Cep  ·  2 tet Cep  ·  3 eta Cep  ·  4 Cep  ·  5 alf Cep  ·  6 Cep  ·  7 Cep  ·  73 Dra  ·  78 Dra  ·  8 bet Cep  ·  9 Cep  ·  AC Dra  ·  Alderamin  ·  Alfirk  ·  B152  ·  HD190833  ·  HD191632  ·  HD191633  ·  HD192274  ·  HD192438  ·  HD192575  ·  HD192635  ·  HD192800  ·  HD193265  ·  HD193533  ·  HD193591  ·  HD193664  ·  HD194031  ·  HD194298  ·  And 167 more.
NGC7023 - The Dust in Cepheus, Jason Guenzel
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NGC7023 - The Dust in Cepheus

NGC7023 - The Dust in Cepheus, Jason Guenzel
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NGC7023 - The Dust in Cepheus



Acquisition details



The constellation of Cepheus is literally bathed in Milky Way dust structures. Near the center of the frame is the popular Iris Nebula. I admit that it is barely recognizable when you step back this far. The bright blue stars are some of the main visual stars of Cepheus.

I was finally able to get out from underneath a light dome and shoot some wide and fast exposures in sky measuring 21.7 SQM. The astrophotography, well, was definitely like nothing like I am used to! I've never even travelled with any of my equipment before. It was a whole new experience, mostly plagued by rookie mistakes. I also had to tend to a dew problem that actually led to a nice diffusion effect on the bright stars. I decided to leave those frames in the stack because I rather liked the wash-of-color appearance.

But, the simplest rig I could muster gave the best result. This includes a Canon 6D with a Rokinon 135mm at f/2 on a Celestron AVX mount. It was shot with an intervalometer cable release and centered using the mount's hand controller.

+1 for simplifying your life.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC7023 - The Dust in Cepheus, Jason Guenzel

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