Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  Hourglass nebula  ·  IC 4592  ·  IC 4604  ·  IC 4628  ·  Lagoon nebula  ·  M 7  ·  M 8  ·  NGC 6281  ·  NGC 6383  ·  NGC 6475  ·  NGC 6523  ·  Part of the constellation Centaurus (Cen)  ·  Part of the constellation Libra (Lib)  ·  Part of the constellation Lupus (Lup)  ·  Part of the constellation Pavo (Pav)  ·  Part of the constellation Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Sargas (θSco)  ·  The constellation Ara (Ara)  ·  The constellation Corona Austrina (CrA)  ·  The constellation Norma (Nor)  ·  The constellation Scorpius (Sco)  ·  The constellation Telescopium (Tel)  ·  The star Antares (αSco)  ·  The star Dschubba (δSco)  ·  The star Girtab  ·  The star Graffias (β1Sco)  ·  The star Kaus Australis (εSgr)  ·  The star Shaula (λSco)  ·  The star βLup  ·  The star εSco  ·  And 3 more.
Milky Way and Jupiter, HaydenAstro
Milky Way and Jupiter
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Milky Way and Jupiter

Milky Way and Jupiter, HaydenAstro
Milky Way and Jupiter
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Milky Way and Jupiter



Acquisition details



The milky way and Jupiter from a low light pollution location (NZ, Wellington south coast).

My first attempt at milky way photography, AND being in a low light pollution location!


Sky plot

Sky plot


Milky Way and Jupiter, HaydenAstro

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