Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  B355
Cygnus Wall, Gary W. Lopez
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Cygnus Wall, Gary W. Lopez
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Acquisition details



The Cygnus Wall is a ridge of star-forming gas and dust about 20 million light-years long in the North American Nebula, NGC 7000. Like a mountain range carved by the erosion of water and wind, the Cygnus Wall is shaped by the energetic radiation of the young, hot stars nearby. The dark shapes that snake through the ridge are cooled gases and dust, the birth place of new stars.

The data for this image were collected in only two sessions. While the nights were clear, the atmosphere was variable, leading to a collection of light subs with HFR’s ranging from a low of 1.78 to a high of 4.67. I assembled the subs in the categories according to the emission spectra (Ha, OIII, and SII) and their HFR, and processed each category separately. I created a master luminance using Ha and SII (which had the best structure signals) using only subs with an HFR of <2.3 and a concomitant star count. Version A is a nearly full acquisition frame and a processing approach intended to enhance 3-D depth. Version C is a tighter, more compositionally balanced crop with more subdued, less saturated colors. I can't decide with I prefer.

This is one of my favorite DSO's with its craggy spine and the dusty veil sweeping across the middle of the ridge. I really like the pronounced three-dimensionality of this object created by the juxtaposition of shadow and color caused by the layers of gases. For me its appearance marks the beginning of the summer astro season.
