Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Centaurus (Cen)  ·  Contains:  NGC 4945  ·  NGC 4976  ·  NGC 5139  ·  Omega Centauri  ·  The star ξ1Cen  ·  The star ξ2Cen
NGC 5139  and  NGC 4945 top right., Mark Sansom
NGC 5139  and  NGC 4945 top right.
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NGC 5139 and NGC 4945 top right.

NGC 5139  and  NGC 4945 top right., Mark Sansom
NGC 5139  and  NGC 4945 top right.
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NGC 5139 and NGC 4945 top right.



Acquisition details



The great globular cluster NGC 5139 at a distance of 16 thousand light-years from Earth and galaxy NGC 4945, top right, in the constellation Centaurus at a distance of 12 million light-years.
