Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Apus (Aps)  ·  Contains:  IC 4633  ·  IC 4635
Galaxies in the Mist, Brian Boyle
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Galaxies in the Mist

Galaxies in the Mist, Brian Boyle
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Galaxies in the Mist



Acquisition details



The Galactic Cirrus near the South Celestial Pole is beautiful and mysterious, befitting these largely inaccessible  regions for many. 

Living at -45 latitude allows for extended imaging of these regions, and this image features part the "Last Unexplored Nebula" in Mandel-Wilson catalogue (MW9). 

The chance superposition with the IC4633 galaxy group gives a windswept look to these galaxies as they poke out from behind the obscuring cirrus.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Galaxies in the Mist, Brian Boyle

In these collections

Dark Nebulae