Contains:  Solar system body or event

Image of the day 09/06/2022

    Sun H-alpha, active region, 28082022. Intes 180mm, BartM

    Sun H-alpha, active region, 28082022. Intes 180mm

    Image of the day 09/06/2022

      Sun H-alpha, active region, 28082022. Intes 180mm, BartM

      Sun H-alpha, active region, 28082022. Intes 180mm



      Acquisition details



      Interesting active region imaged on 28082022. About 15 minutes, 71 images, in less than 3 seconds.
      Baader D-Erf, 180mm
      180 mm Intes M-703 (f/10)
      Baader 3x telecentric TZ-3)
      SolarSpectrum ASO 0,5
      PST etalon without the lenses
      Astronomik UV/IR block
      PointGrey Grasshopper IMX174
      Used the expand function in Autostakkert for the individual images. PIPP and IMPPG for stabilisation. Processing was done in Photoshop.
