Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  NGC 3181  ·  NGC 3184
NGC 3184, Little Pinwheel, Doug Summers
NGC 3184, Little Pinwheel
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NGC 3184, Little Pinwheel

NGC 3184, Little Pinwheel, Doug Summers
NGC 3184, Little Pinwheel
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NGC 3184, Little Pinwheel



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The little pinwheel, NGC 3184 lies 40 million light-years away in Ursa Major.    It has a 7 arcminute symmetric extent, which translates to ~81K light years in diameter.   There are two H2 regions with their own NGC numbers in this galaxy (NGC 3180, NGC 3181).

It seems a bit blasphemous to describe a grand design spiral as somewhat boring, given that all galaxies are glorious, but NGC 3184 is so symmetric and perfectly viewed "top down", as to make the field slightly less appealing as compared to other more unique specimens.   None the less, the galaxy is a large object, with nice structure.   Hints of the magenta HII regions are visible as well as the faint integrated blue hue of young hot stars in the arms.



  • NGC 3184, Little Pinwheel, Doug Summers
  • Final
    NGC 3184, Little Pinwheel, Doug Summers


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NGC 3184, Little Pinwheel, Doug Summers