Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  LBN 946  ·  NGC 2024
The Flame Nebula, NGC 2024 (Burning Bush Nebula, Maple Leaf Nebula, Sh2-277), Paul Lloyd
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The Flame Nebula, NGC 2024 (Burning Bush Nebula, Maple Leaf Nebula, Sh2-277)



Acquisition details



The Flame Nebula, NGC 2024, is a large emission nebula within the huge Orion Molecular Cloud. Its
hydrogen is being heated by the by the super-giant, very hot, O-class star, Alnitak, which is the
easternmost star of Orion’s Belt, the glow of which can be just made out along the lower right-hand edge
of this image. It lies around 1,300ly away, and has been a field of study by astronomers for some time.
The centre of the nebula has significant dark nebulae that obscure the nebula’s bright centre, and are
the reason for this nebula’s many common names - Flame, Maple Leaf, Burning Bush, Tank Tracks,
Lips, and Ghost of Alnitak.

?What has interested astronomers here is the discovery, using infra red and X-ray emissions, that the
dark nebulae are obscuring a star cluster that is very active with star formation. Further analysis of
the data reveals that >80% of the stars have circumstellar disks, believed to be the precursor of planet
formation. Additionally, the distribution of star ages within this cluster is counter to the usual,
i.e. oldest on the outer edges, and youngest in the centre.

Telescope: William Optics FLT110 refractor + 2.0x Barlow, f=1540mm
Camera:    ZWO ASI294MC Pro
Exposure: 37 x 300 sec, gain = 125, -10C, no filter
                  Bortle 3-4 sky, moonless
Field of View: approx. 0º 25’ x 0º 36’
Image processed and prepared in PixInsight and Photoshop Elements


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Flame Nebula, NGC 2024 (Burning Bush Nebula, Maple Leaf Nebula, Sh2-277), Paul Lloyd

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