Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  15 S Mon  ·  B39  ·  Christmas Tree Cluster  ·  HD260759  ·  HD260792  ·  HD260821  ·  HD260859  ·  HD260931  ·  HD260933  ·  HD260958  ·  HD260984  ·  HD260985  ·  HD260987  ·  HD261014  ·  HD261015  ·  HD261050  ·  HD261051  ·  HD261052  ·  HD261053  ·  HD261054  ·  HD261055  ·  HD261083  ·  HD261084  ·  HD261085  ·  HD261086  ·  HD261115  ·  HD261141  ·  HD261142  ·  HD261143  ·  HD261170  ·  And 176 more.
Christmas Tree Cluster + Cone Nebula - NGC 2264, Jake Hofmeester
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Christmas Tree Cluster + Cone Nebula - NGC 2264

Christmas Tree Cluster + Cone Nebula - NGC 2264, Jake Hofmeester
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Christmas Tree Cluster + Cone Nebula - NGC 2264



Acquisition details



After a short break I picked up an old project I captured in March, which is the well known Christmas Tree Cluster and Cone Nebula. Not really knowing how I would go around to process the data I started working with the files I prepared earlier. I think in the end this one turned out better than I initially anticipated. Hopefully some more clear nights soon to shoot some other beauties in the night sky!


Sky plot

Sky plot


Christmas Tree Cluster + Cone Nebula - NGC 2264, Jake Hofmeester