Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Ara (Ara)  ·  Contains:  HD148735  ·  HD148850  ·  HD148851  ·  HD148921  ·  HD148937  ·  HD148954  ·  HD148974  ·  HD148987  ·  HD148988  ·  HD148989  ·  HD149018  ·  HD149098  ·  HD149099  ·  HD149189  ·  HD149190  ·  HD149207  ·  HD149208  ·  HD149279  ·  HD149296  ·  HD149297  ·  HD149298  ·  HD149315  ·  HD149399  ·  HD149400  ·  HD149426  ·  HD149442  ·  HD149454  ·  HD149495  ·  HD149534  ·  HD149552  ·  And 136 more.

Image of the day 04/10/2022

    NGC 6188 The Dragons and the egg, Steeve Body
    Powered byPixInsight

    NGC 6188 The Dragons and the egg

    Image of the day 04/10/2022

      NGC 6188 The Dragons and the egg, Steeve Body
      Powered byPixInsight

      NGC 6188 The Dragons and the egg



      Acquisition details



      Captured from multiple short sessions across both bortle 6/7 and bortle 2 sites, this image consist of 9h of integration.

      This is one of my favourite as there is so much movement happening in this region of the sky.

      From Nasa:

      Dark shapes with bright edges winging their way through dusty NGC 6188 are tens of light-years long. The emission nebula is found near the edge of an otherwise dark large molecular cloud in the southern constellation Ara, about 4,000 light-years away.

      Born in that region only a few million years ago, the massive young stars of the embedded Ara OB1 association sculpt the fantastic shapes and power the nebular glow with stellar winds and intense ultraviolet radiation.

      The recent star formation itself was likely triggered by winds and supernova explosions, from previous generations of massive stars, that swept up and compressed the molecular gas.



        NGC 6188 The Dragons and the egg, Steeve Body
      • Final
        NGC 6188 The Dragons and the egg, Steeve Body


      Description: reprocessed RGB stars to eliminate halos created around red stars and tightened the stars in general.
      Archsinh stretch in PixInsight was the culprit... Used APP stretch for the RGB stars instead to fix the problem.

      Uploaded: ...

      Sky plot

      Sky plot


      NGC 6188 The Dragons and the egg, Steeve Body