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Current Deep Sky Equippment - Jannuary 2023, SomeAstroStuff - Felix Schöfbänker

Current Deep Sky Equippment - Jannuary 2023

Current Deep Sky Equippment - Jannuary 2023, SomeAstroStuff - Felix Schöfbänker

Current Deep Sky Equippment - Jannuary 2023


This is my current setup i have for DSO imaging. 

I started AP in late jannuary 22 when i bougth the 200PDS and the Heq5.
Back then i had a astro modded Canon EOS 1000D wich was a nice camera to start with. After that in april got a used 294MC-Pro wich was a real improvement over the 1000D. And in october i got a 294MM-Pro with a full filter wheel but i haven't been able to use it much because of the weather here. While i had the Cannon and the 294MC i used the 8x50 finder for guiding, now the OAG gives even better guiding. 

  • Skywatcher 200PDS with a mirror baffle.
  • Heq5-Pro with a Rowan Belt kit
  • ZWO ASI 294MM-Pro
  • ZWO EFW 7x36mm
  • ZWO OAG with a 120MC-S
  • ZWO 36mm LRGB / SHO 7nm filters
  • Baader MPCC Mk III / Starizona Nexus 0.75 (haven't used it yet becasue of the weather)
  • Lacerta OctoPlus 2 focuser
  • Lacerta Delta T with a 70cm strap for the primary mirror
  • Lacerta 8" dew cap (not heated)
  • A laptop running APT/PHD2/Teamviewer

I  recently bough a 120MM-mini i will use for guiding, the 120MC will be used as an allsky camera on a small tripod. Also got a USBHub for better cable mangement. (These things are not in the picture since its a older image.)
And the "shed" it stands in is my not yet finished observatory, it still needs a roof and some other things .



  • Final
    Current Deep Sky Equippment - Jannuary 2023, SomeAstroStuff - Felix Schöfbänker
  • Current Deep Sky Equippment - Jannuary 2023, SomeAstroStuff - Felix Schöfbänker


Title: Pic from september

Description: An older picture where i still had the 294MC and thr 8x50 in use.

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Current Deep Sky Equippment - Jannuary 2023, SomeAstroStuff - Felix Schöfbänker

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