Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  10 Sco)  ·  10 ome02 Sco  ·  12.23  ·  13.31  ·  14 Sco)  ·  14 nu. Sco  ·  14.88  ·  15.53  ·  266 Aline  ·  4 Oph  ·  4 psi Oph  ·  40 Harmonia  ·  7 Oph  ·  7 chi Oph  ·  713 Luscinia  ·  8 Sco A)  ·  8 Sco B  ·  8 bet01 Sco  ·  8 bet02 Sco  ·  80 Sappho  ·  9 Sco)  ·  9 ome01 Sco  ·  Akrab (β1 Sco  ·  B40  ·  B41  ·  Graffias  ·  IC 4592  ·  IC 4601  ·  Jabbah  ·  LBN 1113  ·  And 17 more.
Blue Horsehead (IC 4592), Anirban Ray
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Blue Horsehead (IC 4592)

Blue Horsehead (IC 4592), Anirban Ray
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Blue Horsehead (IC 4592)



Acquisition details



This is a 2 panel mosaic the Blue Horsehead nebula in Scorpius.

Each panel is an integration of about 44x5' subs without any filter.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Blue Horsehead (IC 4592), Anirban Ray

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