Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Vulpecula (Vul)  ·  Contains:  Dumbbell Nebula  ·  M 27  ·  NGC 6853  ·  PK060-03.1
M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula  (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope) in HSO with RGB stars, Mark Germani
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M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope) in HSO with RGB stars

M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula  (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope) in HSO with RGB stars, Mark Germani
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M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope) in HSO with RGB stars



Acquisition details



What a treat it was to work with this data! Additionally, what a treat it is to use the full set of tools available in PI (or at least the ones I've figured out!)

The real challenge working with this data was how to combine the narrowband. The SII signal was very strong, but I am partial to the HOO version of this target, as it more closely reflects the natural colour visible in broadband images. I didn't want to completely throw out the SII data, though, so I tried to find a way that it could add a little dimensionality to the nebula. This went through so many different revisions that I no longer recall the exact pixelmath, but it was heavily influenced by the excellent article by The Coldest Nights (thank you!)

The RASC Robotic Telescope imaging team collected nearly 30 hours of narrowband data, and 45 minutes of RGB stars in May & July of 2020. Many thanks for the excellent data & careful acquisition!


Astronomy Magazine Photo of the Day, October 5, 2023:


Sky plot

Sky plot


M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula  (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope) in HSO with RGB stars, Mark Germani

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