Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  41 Ori A)  ·  41 Ori C  ·  41 Ori D  ·  41 the01 Ori  ·  42 Ori)  ·  42 c Ori  ·  43 Ori)  ·  43 the02 Ori  ·  44 Ori)  ·  44 iot Ori  ·  45 Ori  ·  Great Orion Nebula  ·  HD36528  ·  HD36539  ·  HD36540  ·  HD36559  ·  HD36560  ·  HD36606  ·  HD36629  ·  HD36655  ·  HD36670  ·  HD36671  ·  HD36782  ·  HD36842  ·  HD36843  ·  HD36865  ·  HD36883  ·  HD36917  ·  HD36918  ·  HD36936  ·  And 59 more.
M42 Orion & Running Man Nebulae (2022), Mark Germani
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M42 Orion & Running Man Nebulae (2022)

M42 Orion & Running Man Nebulae (2022), Mark Germani
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M42 Orion & Running Man Nebulae (2022)



Acquisition details



As each new and crescent moon rose and set behind thick cloud in Vancouver this winter, I figured my chances of having a go at imaging anything in the Orion region had passed for the season. My view of the southwest is obscured by power lines & houses, so any low southern targets are difficult to get any time on.

But late January & early February brought two clear and moonless nights, and I got as much time as I could before power lines bisected Orion. I took a series of 5-second exposures to tempt some detail from the otherwise overblown core. After stacking, I figured 1-second exposures and a lucky-imaging approach would yield better results, so in March I went back and took over 350 1-second exposures and stacked 50% of those, which I incorporated into my final image. I can make out 4 stars in The Trapezium!

I'm happy with the result, but I think I might have made the wrong call on the choice of filter - I had thought to capture as much reflective nebulosity as I could in this attempt, but I suspect that the L-eXtreme would have yielded much better detail in the Ha regions surrounding the nebula. Next year!
